
7 ways to verify site ownership - Google Search Console Training

7 ways to verify site ownership - Google Search Console Training In this episode of Search Console Training, Daniel Waisberg goes over the 7 ways to verify your site ownership in Google Search Console and activate Search Console for your site. The individual verification methods are:
DNS record (3:00)
HTML file upload (5:38)
HTML tag (7:03)
Google Analytics (8:04)
Google Tag Manager (9:36)
Google Sites (11:03)
Blogger (11:43)

Verify a website →
Google Analytics user permissions →
Configuring Search Console data in Google Analytics →
Google Tag Manager users and permissions →
Compare Google classic Sites & new Sites →

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Next on Search Console Training, learn about Performance Reports in Search Console (coming out January, 2020).

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7 ways to verify site ownership in SC,site ownership. Verify site ownership,activate search console,how to activate search console,discoverability,web discoverability,Search Console tutorial,how to get your website discovered,how to bring traffic to your website,developers,SEO,search engine optimization,search engine,Google Search,how to improve SEO,Search Console,Search Console Training,Google,webmasters,Daniel Waisberg,GDS: Yes;,Google Search Central,

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