Darkness- The absence of light
Difficulty- The definition of a difficulty refers to something that hinders you or causes you to have to face challenges, or the state or condition of being challenged or having a hard time.
Story- When I was a child, we asked persistently for a dog and eventually our Dad got us one. His name was Jack Stone and he was jet black and he hated taking showers. We had a great time playing with him but our happiness was short lived because he died within a few months. We had a funeral for him and my cousin officiated whilst we all paid our respects. Fast forward a good number of years, my spiritual mum has now purchased a jet black dog whom she absolutely loves. Milo loves me and I like him but my difficulty is my hard drive, the archives of my mind reminds me that dogs die so in order to protect myself, I keep a good chunk of my heart to myself.
Purpose of difficulty
• Training- Difficulty comes into our lives to train us.
• Capacity- Difficulty comes into our lives to increase our capacity
o Capacity to think, to love, to forgive, to make decisions (thinking for a change)
• Reveal- Difficulty comes to reveal another version of who you are
o The stronger version, the wiser version, the more loving version
The darkness in difficulty
• Lack of understanding- Where we do not understand the purpose of the difficulty we face, this can cause great darkness.
• Lack of knowledge- A prophet said “my people perish for lack of knowledge”. Where we have insufficient knowledge on how to fight the situation effectively, we slip into darkness
• Lack of wise counsel- When we receive incorrect or no counsel from people on a particular subject matter, we can extend the duration of the difficulty and increase our suffering. Just because a person is an excellent physician, does not mean that they can advise me correctly on financial or emotional matters.
How to deal with difficulty
• Winner’s attitude- Adopt a winner’s attitude and be aware that since you are facing that difficulty, you can and you will win. What has this come to teach me?
• Ignorance- Identify the relevant areas of ignorance. It is ok to be ignorant on a matter but it is not ok to remain ignorant particularly if you need that information to contribute to your growth
• Seek out wisdom- Seek out wisdom in areas where you are faced with the difficulty. It could be in areas of health, finance etc. That piece of missing info has the power to ligten your darkness