
Child Development Make at Home Activity - Matching Activity

Child Development Make at Home Activity - Matching Activity One of our Child Development Consultants, Liz, is here with a make at home activity for children who are visually impaired, a matching activity that will have the child practice feeling the difference between shapes and work on their matching skills. Instructions below!

Feel and Match

This activity will have your child practice feeling the difference between shapes and work on their matching skills

Paper, index cards or cardboard
Hot glue or Wikki Stix

1. Cut paper or cardboard into 3 x 5 pieces or use notecards if available
2. Use hot glue or Wikki Stix to make 10 unique pairs of outlines of matching shapes/forms (square, triangle, circle, flower, star, happy face, squiggly line, house, cat, arrow, plus sign, sun, crescent)
3. Have your child match shapes. You can also play a game of Memory.

Extra practice: You can also practice matching 3-D objects such as dice, cheerios, coins, monopoly houses, beans, beads by gluing at least two of each on to separate pieces of cardboard or lids

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