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This song was written because I was frustrated with students getting their "teen" numbers mixed up. For example, many kids were writing "61" instead of 16, etc... This song contains a catchy chorus to remember that all teen number start with a 1. It then goes into naming each teen number and identifying the two digits that make that number.
This song is to help students with "how to write" the teen numbers. Please see my place value version to help with "groups of tens" and "groups of ones."
Q: Can my class perform a "Harry Kindergarten song" for an audience?
A: If you desire to have your class or group of students perform one of my “Harry Kindergarten” songs for an audience, please note that there is a $6.00 PERFORMANCE FEE.
Here are some hypothetical examples of performance groups:
* Students perform a song for an audience during a graduation ceremony.
* Students perform a song for an audience during a school or community talent show.
* Students perform a song for an audience during a school assembly.
If you are unsure if you need to purchase a performance license or not, please inquire at: pete@harrykindergartenmusic.com. If you want more details about using a song multiple years or multiple classes, etc., e-mail me for a detailed PDF file.
$6.00 can be sent to:
Harry Kindergarten Music, LLC
508 Stewart Street
Bellwood, PA 16617