This new moon in Gemini on 22 May 2020 is a time for rebuilding, getting back to work and making progress with longer-term goals. Progress may be slow but the celestial interlude give us patience and perseverance with Saturn. The May 2020 new moon does have some challenging influences too. Mercury and Venus square Neptune brings confusion and deception, as well as a continuing risk of infection from the coronavirus pandemic.
But the May 22 new moon represents a turning point in the pandemic. It truly is a time for recovery and rebuilding.
he New Moon trine Saturn gives a serious, conscientious and responsible attitude. However, with common sense and an eye to practicality, you can set realistic and achievable long-term goals. Advancement, success, and recognition are all likely because of a strong work ethic, determination, and perseverance that characterises this time.
Even under stressful conditions, you can overcome adversity on limited resources, without neglecting other areas of your life. You'll be willing to sacrifice immediate gratification to meet your long-term goals.
While progress may be slow and steady, the results of your efforts should be long-lasting, and act as a foundation for future prosperity. All this will also boost your self-esteem, and bring satisfaction and contentment.
A sense of mutual respect and understanding makes this a good new moon for making new friends and start business partnerships. Intimate relationships will benefit from loyalty, devotion and karmic bonding. Relationships with superiors and government agencies will be serious, practical and beneficial.
This is also a good new moon for learning and teaching. Valuable guidance can come from your elders and leaders. You could pass on your own knowledge to the younger generation and be respected for your wisdom or ability in your profession.
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Love and light,