
WaPost Ed Board Points Out 'Glaring Gap' In Trump's Coronavirus Reopening Plan - Today News

WaPost Ed Board Points Out 'Glaring Gap' In Trump's Coronavirus Reopening Plan - Today News Thanks for watching my video.
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For any copyright, please send me a message.  There is a “glaring gap” in President Donald Trump’s three-phase comeback plan for the economy amid the coronavirus pandemic, The Washington Post editorial board pointed out in a new column published Friday.  Namely, the question of “who will address the enormous bottleneck of diagnostic testing, which remains far below what is needed to reopen the country?”  The newspaper’s board noted how Trump’s “guidance to governors and local officials envisions robust testing that does not yet exist” and suggested the president was pushing governors “off in a canoe with a smile — and saying good luck finding a paddle.”  Trump just “does not get” that the U.S. “cannot return to normal without mass testing, and the existing system is inadequate,” the editorial continued.  “If Mr. Trump were really in a take-charge mood, he would convene a task force to figure out how to overcome these very real obstacles,” the board concluded. “The toll taken by leadership failure is growing by the hour.”  Read the full editorial here. A HuffPost Guide To Coronavirus Stay up to date with our live blog as we cover the COVID-19 pandemic What happens if we end social distancing too soon? What you need to know about face masks right now How long are asymptomatic carriers contagious? Lost your job due to coronavirus? Here’s what you need to know. Everything you need to know about coronavirus and grief The HuffPost guide to working from home What coronavirus questions are on your mind right now? We want to help you find answers. Everyone deserves accurate information about COVID-19. Support journalism without a paywall — and keep it free for everyone — by becoming a HuffPost member today.   Anderson Cooper Gives Himself A Lockdown Haircut And, Well... Trump Campaign Team Ripped Over Racist Anti-Joe Biden Ad We’re Going Backwards With Coronavirus Response, Obama 'Ebola Czar' Warns Download Calling all HuffPost superfans! Sign up for membership to become a founding member and help shape HuffPost's next chapter Join HuffPost Do you have information you want to share with HuffPost? Here’s how.

Donald Trump,Coronavirus,COVID-19,The Washington Post,

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