How many of you feel that #THINKINGBIG means desiring big luxury car and big house ? somehow so called motivational speakers are defining thinkging big or #BADI_SOCH as having more n more materialistic assets .
But i have found that our future and happiness depends on healthy and holistic development . Innovation and technolgy is important as well as gratifying but untill n unless we keep our mother earth and its five elements kshiti ,jal pawak gagan sameera in intact and happy , we can not have fulfilling and happy life. In this #coronapandemic time on this #EARTHDAY we must introspect and put efforts to create the balance between gadgets, constructions, automobiles ,factories and natural resources .
Now is the time to have a bigger perspective #badi_soch towards life and environment . My encouragement and request to you all is start #garbage_segregation , reduce car and bike use , reduce plastic and polythene use and decrease pollution.
ओम् विश्वम्भरा वसुधानि प्रतिष्ठा हिरन्यवक्षा जगतः निवेशनी I
वैश्वानरं विभ्रती भूमिः अग्निं इन्द्र ऋषभाः द्रविणे नः दधातु II
Fulfilling the needs of everyone , holding within herself all kinds of wealth , mobile yet firm and stable , containing gold within her like a deep breath in chest , sheltering all that moves and has its being , bearing fire within , which is useful for the whole of mankind , let such benevolent Earth whose lord is Indra make us wealthy with her blessings .