
'Big Sick' Writers & Director on How Its Story Is Specific and Universal

'Big Sick' Writers & Director on How Its Story Is Specific and Universal The "Big Sick" writers and director explain how the movie delivers universal appeal while telling a very specific story.

"The Big Sick," starring Kumail Nanjiani, Zoe Kazan, Holly Hunter, Ray Romano, Anupam Kher, Zenobia Shroff, Adeel Akhtar, and Bo Burnham, and directed by Michael Showalter, is in theaters now.

Plot Summary
Kumail is a Pakistani comic who meets an American graduate student named Emily at one of his stand-up shows. As their relationship blossoms, he soon becomes worried about what his traditional Muslim parents will think of her. When Emily suddenly comes down with an illness that leaves her in a coma, Kumail finds himself developing a bond with her deeply concerned mother and father.

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The Big Sick,Michael Showalter,Emily V Gordon,interview,Kumail Nanjiani,

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