
Speak to the Geek: Limpho Moeti of Nyamakop on African Content, Geek Spaces & Murderhobo Livin'

Speak to the Geek: Limpho Moeti of Nyamakop on African Content, Geek Spaces & Murderhobo Livin' Zarnia chats with producer and biz dev Limpho Moeti of Nyamakop and gets into local & indie games, African content and who gets to be a geek. Insightful and hilarious, Limpho is Jon's favorite murderhobo.

Limpho Moeti previously worked at Free Lives (Broforce, Gorn) and was deputy festival director of South Africa's playful media festival, Playtopia. She currently works as a producer and biz dev at Nyamakop, developing African-inspired video games.

She is one half of the Bad Form Podcast. In her spare time she thinks of ways to smash patriarchy, topple capitalism and who was the best Batman. She is definitely not a robot sent from the future to destroy humans but her boss did call her the nuclear bomb of biz dev.

Zarnia is a YouTube channel for all things South African geeks love. We play D&D, tabletop and computer games, read books, watch movies and talk to your favorite local writers, filmmakers, artists, and game designers.

Limpho on Twitter... @JustLimpho
Bad Form Podcast...
Nyamakop Games...
The Wagadu Chronicles...

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#Zarnia #Games&Geekery #indiegames #D&D

Games and Geekery,Let's Play,Geek Culture,Nerd Culture,Comics,Books,Games,Movies,Fantasy,African Fantasy,Dungeons and Dragons,Dungeons & Dragons,D&D,DnD,5e,WotC,Actual Play,Dungeon Master,NPC,Novelist,Science Fiction,Novels,Stories,Storytellers,Game Developer,Game Designer,Computer Games,Filmmaker,Board Games,Dice,Speak to the Geek,Limpho Moeti,Nyamakop,africa,Geek Spaces,Murderhobo Livin',Limpho,Moeti,zarnia interviews,Playtopia,video games,biz dev,Gorn,

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