
Acetylcholine: The Neurotransmitter that allows you to comprehend meaning

Acetylcholine: The Neurotransmitter that allows you to comprehend meaning For More Information Visit

Have you ever wondered how you’re able to make sense of all these letters, words and sentences that you’re looking at right now?

There’s actually a lot going on in this moment!

Believe it or not, you are focusing, differentiating between all these shapes you know as letters, recalling the meaning that they each have (which you were taught as a child), applying that meaning to them, adding up all the word meanings into larger sentence and paragraph meanings, and ultimately comprehending the main points of this article.

But that’s not it… you are also using your discernment filter to decide if this information is credible and relevant to you, and it’s on me to show you that it is!

We don’t always consciously think about it, but it’s a lot! How does all this happen?

There’s a molecule in your brain called acetylcholine.

Acetylcholine is what enabled you to learn the meanings of letter and words, and how to string them together to make sentences.

Once you got that down, you were then able to comprehend the meanings of chains of letters and words faster and faster over time.

Acetylcholine enables you to comprehend and absorb all the information you take in on a daily basis, and it enables you to feel clear and focused throughout the day! It even enables you to recall memories.

So How Does This Help You In Your Daily Life?

When your acetylcholine levels are healthy and high, you can do all those things faster and better!

And most importantly, you can use all the knowledge you’ve absorbed and convert it into insights, ideas, wisdom and opportunities!

You’ve probably also had those moments—perhaps daily if you’re anything like I used to be—where you were reading the same sentence over and over again, and just not comprehending it for some reason!

It all goes back to acetylcholine.

Acetylcholine is a neurotransmitter made inside your brain. However, it can be depleted if you using your brain too much and are not getting the right nutrients your brain needs to make more.

Fortunately, modern scientists have identified those exact nutrients. They are choline (found in many foods), acetic acid (vinegar) and pantothenic acid (vitamin B5).

However, not all forms of these nutrients absorb at the same rate.

Choline is found in eggs, soybeans and other meats and veggies, but the most absorbable choline supplement is known as Alpha-GPC. It is extracted from soy lecithin.

The most absorbable form of acetic acid that is also shown to cross the blood brain barrier comes in the acetylated form of the amino acid L-Carnitine, known as Acetyl L-Carnitine (L-Carnitine helps your brain and body produce energy too).

Pantothenic acid is in many foods, but the supplemental form should come from the best supplier.

All nutrients are scientifically shown to absorb faster and at a higher rate when they come in a liquid delivery method.

Very few foods and supplements have all of these together in their highest quality, most absorbable form.

And nothing known has all of them in liquid form with other brain-boosting nutrients that synergistically benefit your focus, clarity, memory, mood and neurogenesis (new brain cell creation) while keeping your brain healthy and youthful.

That’s why we created BrainJuice, which checks all of those boxes and more!

Turn On Your Brain with BrainJuice today! Visit

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