
Video shows two skydivers get stuck to landing gear of a plane

Video shows two skydivers get stuck to landing gear of a plane An amateur skydiver and her parachutist-instructor are lucky to be alive after getting stuck on the landing gear for several terrifying minutes as they leaped out of a single-engine light plane that was flying at an altitude of several thousand feet.The nine-minute video which surfaced online on Saturday shows the instructor and the skydiver attached to one another as they prepare to tumble out of the small plane.The parachutist signals to the pilot that he is ready and slaps him a high-five before he and his student take the plunge.Just seconds after jumping out of the plane, it becomes apparent that their equipment becomes entangled with the landing gear of the aircraft. The instructor appears to be hanging on to the landing gear as he and the skydiver are suspended in mid-air several thousand feet above the surface of the Earth.Throughout this time, the instructor is outfitted with a video camera that records the entire episode. Share this article Share He manages to angle the camera so that it shows the strap of the skydiver’s equipment latch onto a piece of metal protruding from the landing gear.The camera then shows close-up shots of the terror-filled faces of the skydiver and the instructor as they helplessly dangle from the flying plane. Several minutes went by, during which it appeared that the skydiver and the instructor were remarkably calm.The instructor even took selfies with the camera, sticking his tongue out and posing playfully despite seemingly being moments away from possibly dying.The heart-stopping video shows the two dangling from the landing gear as the belly of the plane is seen in the background.A few minutes later, the instructor uses a tool to extricate himself and the skydiver from the plane. The two fall toward the Earth, though they’re in the clear when the instructor opens up his parachute. ‘Thank god,’ he is heard saying in the video. ‘Unbelievable!’The two breathe a heavy sigh of relief and clasp hands as they descend toward the ground with the chute open.


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