
Elect Fashion Bombshell of the Week: Will Certainly it Be Erica from St. Louis, Tiffany from St...

Elect Fashion Bombshell of the Week: Will Certainly it Be Erica from St. Louis, Tiffany from St... Elect Fashion Bombshell of the Week: Will Certainly it Be Erica from St. Louis, Tiffany from St. Louis of Kaysha from New York City

Each week we chose three women to highlight in a feature we call Fashion Bombshell of the Week. This allows our readers to showcase their personal style and flair on our platform, but now we want to hear from you. Here’s your chance to select your favorite from the week. Opening the week we had Erica from St. Louis. Erika writes, “I use my fashion to express myself, make a statement, and push boundaries. I describe my style as sporty, sensual, and wild. I want you to think differently about the possibilities of fashion after you see me.” Our second...


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