
7 Rules for Choosing the Right Scale for Drawing Bar Graph (NCERT Math Class 6 Chap 9 Data Handling)

7 Rules for Choosing the Right Scale for Drawing Bar Graph (NCERT Math Class 6 Chap 9 Data Handling) Choosing the right scale is the most important consideration for drawing a bar graph. If the scale is wrong either we would not be able to represent the values on the graph correctly or our graph would become too high.

In this class Mayank explains 7 rules for choosing the scale for drawing bar graph which allow nice compromise between height of graph and ease of representing all the values.
* Bar height should not exceed 12-15 divisions (cm).
* The larger the scale the more compact and simpler the graph.
* Choose HCF of values if its possible- all the values are directly visible on the value axis.
* Choose the scale such that maximum number of items are divisible.
* Choose scale of 2/5 or their multiples- will result in nice subdivisions.
* If nothing else works choose scale of 10, 100, 1000 etc. (multiple of 10).
* Create subdivisions between main divisions as necessary.

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