
The Upper Room Discourse: Go yea therefore

The Upper Room Discourse: Go yea therefore In this video, we’ll take a look the event that occurred after the resurrection of Jesus Christ, at the Upper room where the disciples had gathered, locked themselves up and were discussing the news they had heard that Jesus Christ had risen.
This story is found in Luke 24 v 36-49. In here, Christ instructed the disciples to wait in Jerusalem until they were clothed with power from on high. He commanded that the disciples preach the repentance and remission of sins to all nations starting in Jerusalem to all the ends of the earth. This commission still applies to you and me today.
The post resurrection event we are looking at today, occurred on the very night of the day Christ arose from the dead. During the day Christ had met a couple of disciples travelling from Jerusalem to Emmaus and had given them a 7 mile bible study focusing on who he was according to the scriptures. We covered this story in our earlier video which I will link to over here and also leave a link in the description below. In that story, the disciples did not recognise Jesus throughout the whole journey and only recognise him when they were about to eat. I believe that they saw the nail prints in his hands and most importantly their eyes were opened. Just hold on to this line “their eyes were opened”, we will take a deeper look into it later.
The 2 disciples from the afternoon Emmaus road encounter are said to have travelled all the way back to Jerusalem where they met with the others in upper room. This was a time of confusion for them and I believe they were locked up in the room and were afraid of what was going to happen to them since it appeared as if they were under attack.
In the upper room the disciples were discussing the news they heard that Christ had risen.
So, as you can see it was to our advantage that Jesus goes to heaven; for if he did do not go away, the Helper who is the Holy Spirit, will not have come to us; but because He departed, the Holy Spirit was sent to us on the day of Pentecost.
Join us again in the next video where will look at the ascension of Jesus Christ to heaven.

Jesus revealed: On the road to Emmaus

#theupperroomdiscourse #theblessedhope #goyeatherefore

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The upper room discourse,the resurrection of Jesus,the upper room,Go ye therefore,clothed with power from on high,preach repentance and remission of sin,the blessed hope ministries,post resurrection of Jesus Christ,nail prints in his hands,Emmaus road encounter,peace be unto you,handle me and see,glorified resurrection body,fulfilment of prophecy in scripture,tarry in the city of Jerusalem,ascension of Jesus Christ,

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