![[Mukbang] 힘이 불끈불끈!미꾸라지&장어🌊먹방 powerful mudfish and eel ASMR eatingsound realsound Ssoyoung [Mukbang] 힘이 불끈불끈!미꾸라지&장어🌊먹방 powerful mudfish and eel ASMR eatingsound realsound Ssoyoung](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/8MwkczphH4A/maxresdefault.jpg)
#Eatingsound #Mukbang #Seafood
#Mukbangasmr #쏘영
오늘은 스테미너에 좋은 음식들 중 손꼽히는 요리!
미꾸라지와 장어를 준비해봤어요
댓글들을 보니까 미꾸라지 도리뱅뱅 레시피를 궁금해하시는 분들이 많더라구요!
그래서 오늘 준비했습니다.
미꾸라지도리뱅뱅과 미꾸라지튀김 & 장어구이
3가지의 요리를 하느라 시간이 평소보다 조금 많이 걸렸지만 그래도 여러분들께 맛있는 먹방을 보여드릴 생각에 열심히 만들어보았어요!
미꾸라지와 장어 먹방보시구 여러분들도 스테미너 넘치는 하루가 되시길 바래요!
[미꾸라지 도리뱅뱅 레시피]
준비물 - 미꾸라지, 양파1/2개, 대파1개,
양념장-다진마늘1, 다진생강or후추, 고춧가루1, 설탕2, 진간장3, 맛술2, 고추장1.5, 물1컵, 청양고추1개
-미꾸라지를 소금or밀가루에 해감후 세척한다
(★소금으로 해감하는 이유는, 미꾸라지의 노폐물이 제거되고 비린맛을 없애기 위함입니다.)
-배를 갈라서 내장을 제거한다
-기름을 넋넋히 두른 후라이팬에 미꾸라지를 넣는다
-미꾸라지의 표면이 기름에 익으면 양파와 양념장을 넣어준다
-대파와 깨를 넣으면 끝!
Today, I picked two foods that are the most healthy and well known for the stamina. They are mudfish and eel.
I have seen many comments that some people are curious about the recipe of spicy sauced mudfish(Doribangbang). So I prepared it today.
I will start with spicy mudfish(Doribangbang) and show you guys two more foods that are fried mudfish and grilled eel.
I took me more time than usual since I had to cook three different foods. But I tried my best show you guys the special mukbang!
I hope you guys spend a good day with lots of power after watching mudfish and eel mukbang!
[Doribangbang Recipe(spicy mudfish)]
Main Ingredients – mudfish, a half of onion, a whole green onion, sesame.
Sauce – chopped onion(1 tbsp), chopped ginger(1 tbsp), red pepper(1 tbsp), sugar(2 tbsp), soy sauce(2 tbsp), cooking wine(2 tbsp), red chilli paste(1.5 tbsp), a cup of water, 1 hot green chilli.
Method – 1. Wash(water sediment) the mudfish with salt of flour(*the reason why you have to use salt or flour to wash the mudfish is to remove the fishy smell and dirts on mudfish. 2. Cut the stomach and take off the guts inside. 3. Oil the pan enough and put cleaned mudfish on it when it’s hot. 3. When it’s a half way cooked, put onion and the sauce on the side. 4. When the food is almost cooked, put the chopped green onion and sesame on it.
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