
Father Tasered in Front Of Child In Garage Arrest (Greater Manchester) #streetnews

Father Tasered in Front Of Child In Garage Arrest (Greater Manchester) #streetnews Mobile phone footage showing a police officer tasering a man in front of his distraught young child has emerged.

It's thought the incident took place on a petrol station forecourt in Stretford on Wednesday night.

The footage has been widely shared on social media.

Greater Manchester Police say they are aware of the video and are investigating.
In the clip a small boy can be heard repeatedly shouting 'Daddy' as a man grapples with two officers on the petrol station forecourt.

One of the officers then says 'You're the one causing the problem', to which the man replies 'I'm not causing any problems'.

It appears one of the officers then says 'Right, Taser him', moments before the weapon is fired.

The man then falls to the floor as the now hysterical child screams 'Daddy'.

Some time later several more police vehicles arrive and the man is handcuffed and led into the back of a police van.

After footage was shared on Twitter, a woman commented saying she had recorded it in Stretford at 11pm on Wednesday and posted a second longer clip of the incident.

Chief Constable Ian Hopkins has confirmed the incident is being looked at by the Independent Office for Police Conduct.

Greater Manchester Police later issued a statement.

It read: "A man has been charged following an incident which saw a taser being deployed by a GMP officer.

"Shortly before 11pm on Wednesday 6 May 2020, police officers observed a vehicle being driven unsafely at high speed on Chester Road, in Stretford.

"The vehicle was stopped and the driver, Desmond Ziggy Mombeyarara (12/12/1985) of Cornbrook Park Road, Old Trafford was arrested and subsequently charged with the following:

· Two counts of resisting a constable in the execution of their duty

· One count of driving at excess speed

· One count of not having vehicle insurance

· Once count of being unfit to drive through drink

· One count of failing without reasonable excuse to co-operate with a preliminary test

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