Indeed, my leaf shall never wither.
I will never experience dryness.
I will be standing firm like a flourishing tree all the days of my life.
I flourish in all seasons
I flourish in all stages of my life.
As a wife, I flourish, as a mother I flourish.
As a worker, daughter, daughter in-law, as a leader in the marketplace I flourish,
As a thought leader I flourish
I flourish in my body
I flourish in the wealthy place.
I keep flourishing, I will not know dryness.
I will not know sadness, I will not know sorrow.
Only goodness is my portion all the days of my life.
I am planted by God’s design
I am an exhibit of God’s design.
I exhibit Gods perfection in everyway and in all ways.
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Music Credit: www.bensound.com