
Lab 7 - AD, AS and The Influence of Monetary and Fiscal Policy on Aggregate Demand

Lab 7 - AD, AS and The Influence of Monetary and Fiscal Policy on Aggregate Demand This video is in Bahasa Indonesia, made by teaching assistants of Macroeconomics from The Economic and Business Faculty, Universitas Padjadjaran as a response to "remote class" guidance from the university during the spreading of COVID-19 in Indonesia. In this video, you will learn chapter 33 &35 of Mankiw 8th edition .

Things that will be explain are:

(1) Three keys facts about economy fluctuations
(2) Aggregate Demand
(3) Aggregate Supply
(4) Two causes of economic fluctuations
(5) How monetary policy influences AD
(6) How fiscal policy influences AD

Teaching Assistants :
- M. Daffarel Putra
- Karmila Peronika
- Fariza Zahra K
- Retno Mayudian
- Moh. Taufan
- Adlan Ramadhan
- Zakiya Gita
- Syarifah Rahmani


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