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Pan Pot Chopping board :
(Korean brand, no international shipping)
💡English versions of my lecture on making videos are available now!
Find out a variety of know-how including my shooting techniques and color grading at the link below!
💌 Instagram : @sueddu
💌 Contact : re19ch@gmail.com
📷 Camera : Canon Eos R
📷 Lens : RF 24-105 L / RF 35mm F1.8 MACRO IS STM
💻 Editing program : Adobe Premier Pro CC / New imac
Door Knob - TheDelorean
Light Through the Branches - BenWinwood
* I need your help in translating some subtitles. If you are able to help me with that, please go to the following link and take part in Community contributions. That would be much appreciated for my videos.
* 이 영상의 저작권은 슛뚜에게 있으며, 영상 다운로드 및 2차 편집, 무단 업로드를 금지합니다. 영상을 공유하실 땐 유튜브 링크를 사용해주세요.
* Copyright 2018-2020. sueddu All rights reserved.