because HIS truth shall be your shield and buckler=defense mechanism=shield... we should trust in Yahawah Bahasham Yahawashi and not doubt
peter his example is what we need to learn off of that having A LITTLE bit of doubt can cause you to fall and not be saved
the things that are written before hand are written for OUR LEARNING... Romans 15:4 says so...
So we need to learn off of the mistakes and also the correct way to live in the bible.. we learn from the good and bad..
from to good in order to DO good.. and from the bad in order to NOT do bad.. (not to repeat what they did)
This is how we learn and Yahawah WILL 100% PROTECT us in this world and in the world to come which will be OUR society
cause now? we are living in ESAU HIS society and HIS world and HIS ways... our people celebrating eastern, good friday, christmass
they dont have their own feast days.. lets say they believe they are africans in america right? african americans right? well?
why dont you celebrate your african holidays then? NO YOU DONT you are celebrating your captor your oppressor HIS ways
so guess what you are living in HIS society.. well? soon we will be in OUR society and he will be in OUR lives instead of we in HIS lives
US soldiers, marines, delta force, navy seals are hiding under their beds
YouTube moves to limit spread of false coronavirus 5G theory (Decision comes as four more phone masts are attacked)
Radiation: Former Vodafone Boss Blows Whistle On 5G Coronavirus
IBM Propaganda: Implantable RFID Chip Commercial
Bill Gates Calls for a “Digital Certificate” to Identify Who Received COVID-19 Vaccine