"Generally, the purpose of the Qur’an is to call people to worship Allah (alone) and to invite them to accept the religion He sent. Both of those rest on two concepts that encapsulate the essence of the Qur’an. The first is clarifying the definition and purpose of worship that it calls them to embrace. The second, it mentions things that motivate them to accept a life of faith and worship, and those things that keep them from doing so.
Types of Worship
In the Qur’an, worship is divided into two: The foundations of creed, and the foundations of religious acts. Those things that motivate faith and practice and discourage negligence fall under what scholars referred to as targhib (encouragement) and tarhib (intimidation).
Specifically, the Qur’an’s purposes are seven: God’s divinity, prophethood, resurrection, rulings, promises, threats, and stories."
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