Children and young adults are dealing with their own set of unique challenges as a result of COVID-19. From the loss of their friends to disruptions to their routines to witnessing their support systems buckle under the pressure of these unique circumstances, no one has been left untouched by the events unfolding across the world.
In this informational webinar led by a panel of mental health experts from the University of Vermont discussed ways to help parents with strategies to care for children and young adults' mental health during COVID-19.
Topics Discussed:
Children’s Mental Health Pre-COVID-19
Possible Impacts of Disease and Disaster on Mental Health
Strategies and Coping Methods for Parents of Children and Young Adults
Undergrad Students: What Are They Experiencing?
Making Space for Loss and Uncertainty
Wellness and Mental Health Recommendations
National and Vermont State Resources
Mental Health Expert Panelists Included:
Thomas Delaney, PhD: Assistant Professor, Department of Pediatrics, Vermont Child Health Improvement Program, The Robert Larner, M.D. College of Medicine at The University of Vermont
Andrew J. Rosenfeld, MD: Child Psychiatrist at the Vermont Center for Children, Youth and Families; Assistant Professor, The Robert Larner, M.D. College of Medicine at The University of Vermont
David Låg Tomasi, Ph.D., Ed.D.- Ph.D., M.A., MCS, AAT: Lecturer, College of Nursing and Health Sciences at the University of Vermont
Annie Valentine, MEd: Education & Training Manager, Center for Health and Wellbeing at the University of Vermont