
ASMR Head Massage, Neck Cracking & Spiritual Cleansing (limpia espiritual pembersihan) by Doña Rosa

ASMR Head Massage, Neck Cracking & Spiritual Cleansing (limpia espiritual pembersihan) by Doña Rosa More of Doña Rosa & Alejandra 👉

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Doña Rosa does a relaxing soft spoken massage and spiritual cleansing ritual (also known as Limpia, Pembersihan, טיהור רוחני, おはらい, التطهير الروحي, or Oharai) is not only a great source of ASMR, but it's an ancient tradition in the Andes. Traditional healers like Doña Isabel do spiritual cleansings and massages to cleanse the body of negative energy, relieve stress, and promote good health. I hope you enjoy this natural ASMR trigger!

👉Important note: this video was filmed before COVID-19/coronavirus concerns because there is a long delay between filming and publication in my production process. I would certainly never put my friends, collaborators, myself, or my family in danger... let's take all necessary precautions against COVID-19/coronavirus while keeping our bodies and minds healthy during this time of "social isolation"!

#asmr #limpia #massage #headmassge #cracking #neckcracking #DoñaRosa #spiritualcleansing #neckmassage #pembersihan

ASMR,Limpia,Massage,Cleansing,ASMR Limpia,ASMR Massage,Limpia Massage,Limpia CLeansing,energy,energy cleansing,aura,aura cleansing,relaxing,soft spoken,sleep,relaxation for sleep,soft sounds,pembersihan,cracking,neck cracking,

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