00:01:48 Virus situation
00:04:40 GBVS new DLC Characters
00:12:49 Main Topic: Streaming Fighting Games vs. Other Genres
00:51:01 Guilty Gear Strive Beta Test
00:56:56 FF7 Remake First Impressions (Spoiler Free)
01:02:24 Online Local Event (This Saturday April 18th 8pm JST on KaliburVS Twitch Channel)
Do you watch streams or do streams yourself? What genres do you think work best? Comment below!
★COUPON CODE: Want 5% off the Arcade Stick used in this video (the Victrix Pro FS)? Use discount code: NIHONGOGAMER at
**This is an affiliate code so you get a discount and I get a commission! :) Code works for Victrix Pro AF headset too!**
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