Directed by J Pinder (@I_am_justinyourmind) YOUTUBE:
Written by Joe Rechtman (@JoeRechtman - Twitter)
Produced by Michael G Gray
Associate Producer - Claire Reinganum (@clairity4life)
DP - Pascal Combes-Knoke (@pascalphotographie)
Hannah - Raven Bowen (@raveybaby_)
Hank - John Wallace Combs
Emma - Robin Karfo (@robinkarfo)
Susan - Reem Kadem (@rmkadem)
Jake - Christian Faggins
GREG: Greg Wojdak
1st AD: Wes Middleton
Casting Director: Emily Cook
1st AC - Danilo Rodriguez
2nd AC - Ben Slavens
Gaffer - Luka Pascalicchio
Key Grip - Richard Duryea
Sound Recordist - Ron Eber
Production Designer - Melissa Erdman
Art Assistant - Alexandra Keck
Makeup Artist - Amanda Nilo
Wardrobe Stylist - Desi Aguilar
PA - Thomas Martin
Editor - Elizabeth Fisher (@fizlisher)
Editor - Scott Morris
Sound Design & Mix - Jake Greenstein
Original Music By Benjamin Zecker (@benzecker)
Colorist - Daniel Orentlicher
If you or someone you know has been affected by abuse, please don't hesitate to reach out.
National Child Abuse Hotline (USA): (800) 422 - 4453
NSPCC helpline (UK): 0808 800 5000
We would like to thank these organizations that we have partnered with. Please help support them as you have us.
End Abuse Long Beach -
Victorious Children -
Fighting for Abused Children -
#MYM #ShortFilm #BreakTheCycle