Jane Davidson is the author of #futuregen: Lessons from a Small Country, the story of why Wales was the first country in the world to introduce legislation to protect future generations. She is Pro Vice-Chancellor Emeritus at the University of Wales Trinity Saint David. From 2000-2011, Jane was Minister for Education, then Minister for Environment, Sustainability in the Welsh Government.
Jane shares her thoughts on “What could possibly go right?” including:
The desire to take out short termism from politics, and encourage every country to factor future generations into their thinking.
The Brundtland Commission’s definition of sustainable development is important in making sure future generations can meet their own needs, through our actions in the present.
That Wales’ Well-being of Future Generations Act makes it the only country in the world to have put the Sustainable Development Goals into law.
The bringing of four pillars into decision making is key for sustainable development - social, environmental, economic and cultural.
The exciting sense that Britain has returned to loving nature during this time of COVID.
That you need visioning, truth telling, learning and loving to inspire positive change.
Connect with Jane
Website: www.janedavidson.wales
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