
BONUS - Business Edge Minute #18- The Importance of Downtime

BONUS - Business Edge Minute #18- The Importance of Downtime It is vitally important that you give yourself some regular downtime each day , or as I call it Play Mode, to make sure your creative batteries can get recharged. In today’s crazy world, it’s even more important that you allow yourself time away. Here’s a few tips that will help you maximize your Play Mode. 1- Put it into your schedule book. If you write it down, you will have a much better chance of making it happen. 2- Make sure there are NO distractions when your mind is in play mode. No devices, no computers, no distractions! 3- Your Play Mode is unique to you, so you can make up what you do…..go for a walk, play with your kids, throw a ball for the dog, or meditate on what you are going to have for dinner. 4- Review your day- You may find that you actually are able to get more done in less time, because that big brain of yours was given a chance to recharge.


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