
Andrews pressed on accountability of second wave deaths

Andrews pressed on accountability of second wave deaths Daniel Andrews says it’s “appropriate” to wait for the findings of Victoria's COVID-19 inquiry when asked if someone should be held accountable for the more than 750 deaths linked to the second wave.

“The fact that Victorians have died, even one death, is a tragedy,” he said in a Friday media conference.

“That is a matter of great concern to me.

“It is a matter of great concern to every single Victorian.

“But it is appropriate for us to wait until the board has reported and made whatever findings they see fit to make, whether that be findings in fact, common industry, observations and as well as any recommendations that they might see fit to give to us, and then it will be my responsibility at that point to take the action necessary to ensure that mistakes do not occur again.

“That is the responsibility that I have.”


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