Hosted by Rowan Ellis, Queer Movie Podcast, join us for the sixth Peccadillo Sofa Club Live Q&A with Desiree Akhavan writer, director and star of Appropriate Behaviour.
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How it works:
Host your very own screening of the weekly film then join us over on the Peccadillo Pictures YouTube channel at 8:45pm for a live Q&A with the Director.
Send us your questions via Twitter / Instagram using hashtag #PeccadilloSofaClub
#AppropriateBehaviour #AppropriateBehaviourQandA
Watch previous Peccadillo Sofa Club Q&As
Ashley Joiner, director of Are You Proud?:
Lucio Castro, director of End Of The Century:
Levan Akin, director of And Then We Danced:
Kanchi Wichmann, director of Mixed Messages:
Darren Stein, George Northy & Michael J Willett, GBF:
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