Jorge Valdes sat down for his first-ever VladTV interview, and in this clip he starts out by speaking about his family moving from Cuba to Miami after his mother decided that she didn't want to live in a Communist country. He detailed the financial struggles that his family went to when they first came to the U.S., and Jorge detailed getting his first break at 17 by getting a job at the fiduciary bank.
From there, Jorge says he was a big "nerd" who was a star accounting student at the University of Miami, and he was offered a job by his professor to work for himself by taking on his professor's Spanish-speaking clients. It was while doing work for a local grocery store that Jorge learned that he was working for drug dealers. After making $28,000 by opening foreign bank accounts for the store, Jorge was let into their world, which changed his life. To hear more including working for a cartel that was making $100 million a month in the late 1960s before Pablo Escobar, hit the above clip.
Check out Jorge Valdes' website: www.narcomindset.com