
Senhora da Graca, cycling down the mountain. Scary moment with a car but fun all the way down!

Senhora da Graca, cycling down the mountain. Scary moment with a car but fun all the way down! Cycling down the mountain Senhora da Graca in northern Portugal . Tough journey cycling up to the top of the mountain where you would normally get to experience breath taking views but on this occasion it was thick fog. The fog made for an eerie ride down with some traffic on its way up. We had a close call with a car as the visibility was bad and we were getting carried away with the adrenaline riding downwards fast around blind bends. It was fun all the way however and an experience that I remember fondly.

Excellent music by Damion Flynn, find him here -

Songs in order:
1. Tell it to the stars
2. Descending The Minaret
3. Hawthorns At Dawn (not complete song so make sure you give it a listen)

Filmed on a AKASI EK7000 4K Ultra - I found this a great product to use for anyone who is interested!

Cycling,Senhora da Graca,Portugal,AKASO EK7000 4K Ultra,AKASO,EK7000 4K,Dawes,Dawes road bike,Mountain,Down hill,Damion Flynn,Open road,Fun,Fast,Good music,Tunes,Good tunes,Adventure,The great outdoors,Scary,Close call,Adrenaline,Songs,

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